Applying for the Grant
Requirements and application instructions for
The Bonner County Endowment for Human Rights grant
Each year, the Bonner County Human Rights Task Force (BCHRTF) seeks to fund projects and programs that support our stated mission: to affirm the American principles and ideas of the inviolable dignity and worth of each human being and recognize that everyone is equal under state and federal laws and constitutions.
The BCHRTF hopes to sponsor programs and projects that enhance human rights, focus on community education, and celebrate the fact that it is the racial, social, and cultural diversity of our people that makes Bonner County a rich and worthwhile place to live.
Grant requests up to $8000 will be considered. The average award is $2250 per grant recipient.
Who can apply
Eligible applicants must qualify as one of the following:
an organization with 501(c) 3 tax-exempt status*;
a public educational institution;
an individual educator associated with a public institution; or,
a government entity including local governments and libraries
*Occasionally, BCHRTF will fund projects initiated by organizations that do not have tax-exempt status. However, the organization will be required to secure a federally qualified tax-exempt sponsor if selected as a grant recipient.
Following the stated goals of BCHRTF, grants are limited to organizations and projects that do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
Please note that only ONE application per organization will be accepted. However, individual educators are considered "one organization" allowing for more than one educator at a school to apply for a grant.
Past grant recipients are welcome to apply and non-profit organization may apply every year regardless of previous funding.
What we're looking for
The advisors to the BCHRTF funds will consider grant requests for activities and projects that:
Affirm the American principles and ideals of the inviolable dignity and worth of each human being
Promote community education on bias and prejudice in furtherance of positive human relations and cultural diversity
Reach a broad segment of the community or school population
Focus on providing information, education, and programs designed to increase awareness of the important of nondiscrimination and elimination of prejudice and/or harassment
Celebrate the value of racial, social, or cultural diversity for the quality of life in Bonner County
Projects will be favored if they include the following features:
Collaboration with other community groups
Providing of matching or in-kind funds
Project sustainability
Meeting an urgent or ongoing community need
Letters indicating community support
Less preferred projects include:
Capital projects
Staffing expenses
Travel for individuals
Attendance at conferences
Projects ineligible for funding include:
Projects that benefit a private individual
Routine operating expenses or benefits
Fundraising projects
Political activities or those designed to influence legislation
Religious organizations for the sole purpose of furthering that religion
Guidelines for submission
Familiarize yourself with the mission and goals of the Task Force and determine that your project is in harmony with them. Exploring the bchrtf.org website should help you make that decision.
If you feel that your proposed activity or program aligns with the BCHRTF goals, be sure that you represent a 501 (c) 3 organization, a governmental entity, school or library. If you do not, but you feel your idea would serve an important human rights need or purpose, see if there is an eligible entity that would serve as your sponsor.
Read the guidelines carefully. Projects ineligible for funding are those that benefit a private individual, are to cover routine operating expenses or benefits, fundraising projects, political activities, or are intended to further a particular religion.
Preferred projects reach a broad segment of the community or school population, closely align with the BCHRTF mission and goals, address an urgent or ongoing community need, are sustainable, and for which there are matching funds.
Prepare a proposed budget for your project—the amount of funds needed, and how specifically they will be spent. Include and indicate portions of the budget that will be covered by other funding.
The BCHRTF will be giving away almost $18,000, with grants to be awarded up to $8000. The average amount for previous grants is $2500. Read on the website about projects that have been funded in the past to get to see what has been granted in the past.
Go to the Idaho Community Foundation website to read the guidelines and begin the application process. https://www.idahocf.org/nonprofits-students/grant-opportunities-and-workshops.
Go to Grants by Region, click on North Idaho and then on the Bonner County Human Rights Task Force Fund. Clicking on that will take you to both the guidelines and the application.
Grant application must be submitted by April 30 of this year.
Late or incomplete application will not be considered
Grants outside the cycle will be considered in emergency cases. The BCHRTF board of the directors will make this determination at its sole discretion
Download and submit your application
Grant applications are administered on BCHRTF's behalf by the Idaho Community Foundation (ICF). You will obtain and submit your application via their website. They will also provide primary support for the application process.