Trans Day of Visibility means many things, but this year especially we want to offer it as a day of celebration. A day of joy. A day of affirmation. A day of acknowledgment. On this TDOV, we are asking ourselves: What is this the year of? What can we imagine is possible this year?
In this spirit, we wanted to take this opportunity to lift up the contributions and impact of the brilliant and incredible trans people and groups we get to work alongside at Pride Foundation. I recorded this video for you all with some members from TRANSform Culture’s Village Council to share our reflections on TDOV and what this is the year of for each of us.
We know that visibility is complex, but visible or not, LGBTQ2S+ people are a permanent part of our communities in the Northwest. That’s why we are growing TRANSform Culture, our community advocacy, research, and education (CARE) program, as an ongoing part of our work at Pride Foundation. By elevating the stories and experiences of trans people here in the Northwest, we get to invest in trans leadership and move closer to policies and practices enabling gender-euphoria.
I have the honor of leading this program with a group of dedicated community leaders from across the Northwest who make up the Village Council: Amanda Saenz (WA), Aodhà n Crawford (ID), Elle Jennings (WA), Ganesha Gold Buffalo (At-large), Jesse Guecha (WA), Lourdez Velasco (WA), Mattie Mooney (WA), Michael Zaki (WA), Mija Cloverdale (MT), MoHagani Magnetek (AK), Raven Two Feathers (WA), Siggy Frank (WA), Tepatasi Vaina (WA), Hiram Calf-Looking (WA), and Úmi Vera (OR).
As we continue to face an onslaught of attacks in the Northwest and across the country on trans people and communities, it feels especially important this TDOV to elevate the beauty and brilliance of our communities. We have the privilege at Pride Foundation of supporting so many trans-led and serving organizations in the Northwest.
Their life-changing work is critical, and resourcing them to continue it is vital. We are continually devastated by the statistic that for every $100 invested by philanthropy, only 4 cents is invested directly into trans communities, which is why we were one of the first signatories to the Grantmakers United for Trans Communities pledge to help change this, and why we prioritize funding for trans communities in all of our grantmaking.
All of our grantee partners support and serve LGBTQ+ people and communities broadly, but we wanted to elevate a few whose work specifically focuses on trans, non-binary, and gender diverse people and communities:
Beyond These Walls
Black & Beyond the Binary Collective
The Black Trans Prayer Book
Greater Portland Trans Unity
Gender Justice League
Lavender Rights Project/WA Black Trans Task Force
Medical HxStories
Montana Gender Alliance
Montana Two Spirit Society
Trans Women of Color Solidarity Network
Transpose PDX
TransVisible Montana
UTOPIA Washington
We encourage you to check out and support their phenomenal work!
With visibility also comes action, and we wanted to elevate that this week is also Trans Week of Visibility and Action. There are many opportunities to take action, locally and nationally, in our communities.
We hope you join us and find ways to celebrate TDOV!
With pride,
they/them (English) & elle/les (Español)
Director of Community Advocacy, Education, & Research