Logo Contest Details
Thank you for expressing interest in our efforts to re-design our logo in preparation for our 30th anniversary in 2022.
We are open to all ideas, although these guidelines and thoughts about what the logo might include should be helpful:
Images that represent the beautiful natural setting that attracted many of us and inspires us to make this community our home.
Illustrate the need to reach across ideological divides and come together around shared values.
Images that support a community in which all of us feel safe and in which our children can grow and thrive.
Icons symbolic of unity, tolerance, equity, and fairness for all.
Please bear in mind that the logo will be used on letterhead, brochures, posters, as well as online on our website and social media sites. It will become the property of the BCHRTF.
Inclusion of a written paragraph about your design is welcome but isn’t necessary.
Logo is limited to one color.
The artist whose drawing is selected will receive $500 prize money.
Send JPEG designs via email to bchrtaskforce@gmail.com or mail hard copies of drawings via USPS to BCHRTF, PO Box 1463, Sandpoint, ID 83864
Submissions must be received by April 20, 2021.