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"Never doubt that a small group
of thoughtful
committed citizens
can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
– Margaret Mead

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We oppose discrimination, segregation, intimidation, harassment, physical harm, or the denial of equal protection in any form based upon race, color, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. // We promote interracial and intercultural understanding; we promote racial and ethnic harmony. //  We encourage parents and educators to teach fairness, justice, and equality; we encourage everyone to live these ideals.

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Bonner County Human Rights Task Force receives award...


We are so honored...

The Bonner County Human Rights Task Force was selected due to its commitment to educating, supporting, informing and responding to all human rights issues in its county. This volunteer-only organization originated in 1992 as a response to an Aryan Nation group that intended to make North Idaho a haven for white supremacy. Since then, BCHRT has spent the past 30 years speaking out whenever intolerance or bigotry poses threats to the rights, safety or dignity of any individual within their community. BCHRT works tirelessly with public officials and citizens to elevate civil human rights in Bonner County, Idaho.



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